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About Delores

Delegate Delores McQuinn was born in eastern Henrico County and has spent her entire life in the greater Richmond area. She studied at Virginia Commonwealth University and Virginia Union University and has demonstrated a lifelong commitment to improving the lives of others through public service. Her civic interest and involvement in politics began at the age of 11, when she campaigned for a candidate's successful election to Richmond City Council.


Over the years, she continued to actively support public service initiatives, and she became a community advocate. In 1992, Delegate McQuinn was elected to the Richmond City School Board, where she provided leadership and positive vision for the school district as Vice-Chair. Some of her initiatives included the re-opening of the East End Middle School (currently, Franklin Military School) and the implementation of an annual Back-To-School rally for students. Her efforts helped to improve students’ self-esteem and strengthen their academic achievement. Continuing to expand her civic engagement and commitment to making our communities a better place to live, work, and play, Delegate McQuinn next served on the Richmond City Council, 7th District. During her tenure, the District was transformed with renovations, new development, and emerging businesses.

In 2009, Delegate McQuinn was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates to represent the 70th District, which includes parts of the City of Richmond, Henrico County and Chesterfield County. In addition to her many other legislative and civic commitments, Delegate McQuinn is an eloquent orator who spends much of her time uplifting others through her work as an Associate Minister at New Bridge Baptist Church. Her spirit of outreach, as a legislator and a minister, has always embraced those who are sometimes marginalized or overlooked and under-served. Delegate McQuinn genuinely seeks to maximize the potential of everyone she encounters.

Currently, she serves as the Central Virginia Regional Chair for the Safe Virginia Initiative, which addresses the need for reasonable gun legislation. She also is the founder and organizer of the East End Teen Center and its Summer Writing Institute. The Summer Program focuses on improving the literacy and writing talents of middle school youth. Through a collaborative and innovative approach, the Summer Writing Institute combines intensive writing instruction with exposure to positive community role models, cultural and educational field trips and activities to motivate students.


Delegate McQuinn has also demonstrated an unwavering commitment to unveiling the true history and contributions of African-Americans in this country, and she chairs the Richmond Slave Trail Commission and The African American Cultural Resources (AACR) Task Force. The AACR Task Force was created by the General Assembly with bi-partisan support to identify and preserve the history of African-Americans in the State of Virginia. Delegate McQuinn has been acknowledged and honored on many occasions and some of her awards include but are not limited to: The YMCA’s Women of The Year, two African Diaspora World Tourism Awards, The Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities Humanitarian Award, and the Richmond African American History Month Award. Additionally, she serves on numerous boards, organizations and committees which focus on improving the lives of Virginians.


Although Delegate McQuinn has been a trail blazer and positive role model in the arena of public service, she has also been a woman of abiding faith who is most thankful for her loving and supportive family. She writes prolifically and often quotes scripture to make her point when speaking. Last year, Delegate McQuinn was the patron of House Joint Resolution # 38, “I Am My Brother’s and Sister’s Keeper”. This Joint Resolution challenges all of us to realize the value in humanity and to act to make a positive difference in the world.

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Paid for and authorized by McQuinn for the 81st District House of Delegates. Not paid for at taxpayer expense.

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